Soapbox: Time for compassionate death for all

Jane Everham

Now is the time for the choice of a compassionate death for all. Kudos to Reps. Joann Ginal and Lois Court for listening to 10 hours of testimony at the legislative committee hearing of the Death with Dignity bill. As they amend the bill in response to citizen comments for reintroduction next session, I'd like to share some thoughts for consideration.

I've heard it stated that the bill is unnecessary because suicide and palliative care are readily available alternatives. Suicide is not an option for everyone, it is not an easy choice for anyone and can be traumatic for survivors. Palliative care too often leaves patients numbed and unable to express themselves or connect with loved ones. This is rarely a desirable outcome. And yet, these are two choices.

The term "death with dignity" has been called an insult to anyone electing to die naturally as a result of a terminal illness. No one can say what is or is not a dignified death, so point taken, let's drop the term.

The concept of "assisted-suicide" has been criticized because the definition of suicide is "to take one's own life, to kill one's self." One terminally-ill individual recently stated, "I'm not killing myself, cancer is killing me. I want the right to decide when and how I die." Another good point, let's remove any reference to assisted suicide.

There is a fear that power of attorney could allow a relative to "off" a family member for personal gain. The safe-guards currently in place suggest no, but if it is unclear, it should be clarified.

Finally, a doctor claims that this bill will be destructive to the doctor-patient healing relationship. But isn't a doctor's role to heal and to help? When there are no more healing options, why is it wrong for a doctor to help? The fear is that someone will choose a death for an illness that can later be cured. There are incidents of patients given a terminal diagnosis that recover or are cured. But what is the rate of recovery from ALS, Parkinson's and Multiple Sclerosis? A medical cure in the nebulous future is not much use to patients who suffer from these illnesses. Sacrificing a potential, future cure is a risk an informed patient accepts.

What words shall we use? Compassionate Death or Compassionate Choice resonates with me. This is not about killing people. This is about allowing someone who is dying to choose to do so on their own terms. It is our compassion that distinguishes us as humans. We have the choice not to let animals suffer. Now is the time for the choice of a compassionate death for all.

Jane Everham lives in Fort Collins.